Tarkett Custom Pro
Marble Gray #15072
12' Wide
$10.99 YD
Resilient flooring - also known as 'vinyl' or 'sheet vinyl' - has been around for decades and is still one of the most popular types of flooring around. It's made using a printing process known as 'rotogravure', which prints a pattern on the flooring substrate via an engraved cylinder. Today's resilient flooring is manufactured much in the same way it always has been, yet the styles and technologies have evolved with the times.
Great product performance.
Won’t trap dust, pet dander and other allergens.
Most spills clean up with gentle soap and water.
Use a doormat outside each entrance to your home to prevent dirt, sand, grit, and other substances such as oil, asphalt, and driveway sealer from being tracked onto your floor. Use non-staining mats on your floor. Do not put latex-backed or coco-fiber mats on your floor because they will stain or damage the surface.
Close your curtains or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the floor. A combination of heat and sunlight causes most home furnishings, including resilient floors, to fade or discolor.
Support furniture with wide-bearing, non-staining floor protectors. Ideally, the protectors should be at least one inch in diameter, made of non-pigmented, hard plastic, and rest flat on the floor. Non-staining felt protectors are also acceptable. Casters with a minimum 3/4" flat surface width or floor protectors are recommended for all moveable furniture. Make sure any metal protectors are rust-proof. Replace your narrow dome furniture rests with wide-bearing ones.
If you need to move heavy furniture and/or appliances, such as your refrigerator, across the floor, always use strips of wood or hardboard runways to protect the floor. Always use runways even if you have an appliance dolly, or even if the heavy objects are equipped with wheels or rollers.
Sweep your floor regularly (at least once a week) to remove loose dirt. Prevent stains by wiping spills promptly.
Check out our Sheet Vinyl Section